Courses & Events

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Order your copy of the Classical Mythology Deck

2023 Pilgrimage to Santiago-de-Compostela (Spain)

Join us on this sacred journey through North Spain, which becomes the stage for encountering the heights and depths of your True Self.  

On this sacred journey, you will be immersed in the beauty of the Spanish countryside, architecture and culture while channelling the intense power of the Camino. This 21-day programme is conceived to bring personal transformation, group sharing and spiritual connection through guided processes presented daily. I feel that this process will be particularly powerful given the transformational times we are experiencing. When the collective is shaken up, we have the golden opportunity to create profound shifts within ourselves - despite the uncertainty happening in the "world out there".

Start: 11 August 2023 (Leon, Spain)
Finish: 31 August 2023 (Santiago de Compostela)

Please be in touch with me to send your confirmation deposit by 1 April.

Camino Logistical Meeting on Saturday, 4 March at:
- 10 AM Central (Chicago etc)
- 11 AM EST (NYC, Florida, etc)
- 1 PM Brazil
- 5 PM Western Europe
- 6 PM South Africa

Please join this meeting if you are interested in the Camino, even if you have not confirmed your participation yet.

Practice "44 Breaths"

This "44 Breaths" techniques is a simple and focused method of entering a deep state of connection, or of "turbo-charging" any meditation process that you already follow.

Contains: 15 minute guided meditation, plus explanation of the breathing model in "Description".

One-to-one consultations

My approach in private consultations is to reconnect you tangibly with the personal and spiritual truth at your core. This unleashes a transformational power that brings about lasting change, in which the brighter light of your soul dispels such ‘darknesses’ of personality as fear, anxiety and trauma.

Sessions are not just about gaining insight or feeling better afterwards, but are geared towards facilitating longlasting shifts in your life.

Breathwork and hypnosis sessions integrate the analytical ‘discussion’ aspect with the visceral experience of an altered state of consciousness - which inevitably brings healing, insight and vision.

I offer all sessions in-person or via Zoom and Skype.

Breathwork takes you into a state of altered consciousness, which intensifies the therapy experience and brings direct connection to your soul or higher self. A session lasts 90 minutes, with 45 minutes for discussion and 45 minutes of breathwork.

Hypnosis re-programmes the sub-conscious mind, which inevitably reflects as shifts in your emotions, beliefs and life in general. Hypnosis can help resolve past trauma, unravel personality issues and bring vision for the future. A session lasts 90 minutes: 45 minutes for discussion and 45 minutes of hypnosis.

Tarot cards read the subconscious mind in order to examine the underlying beliefs that are forming your experience - which, in turn, affects how your future unfolds. When you understand your inner workings, you can change the future. A session lasts 55 minutes; it includes 2 main spreads as well as covering specific questions.